
Lower case and one word.


Upper case. No need to explain the acronym.


Upper case. No need to explain the acronym.

pension provider

Lower case – no need to capitalise.

Pension Wise

This government service is always upper case.

per annum

Say ‘each year’ instead.

per cent

Not percent. In most cases, use % instead.

personal pension

Lower case, unless part of a product name, like Active Money Personal Pension.


Say people instead.

Phoenix Group

Always capitalised.


Not PIN number (the n in PIN stands for number).


Not post code, post-code, postal code or ZIP code.

product names

All Standard Life products should be capitalised, for example the Active Money Personal Pension or Self Invested Personal Pension.

But if we talk more generally about our personal pensions, there’s no need for this to be capitalised.





Lower case and hyphenated.


Lower case and hyphenated.

Self Invested Personal Pension

Our Self Invested Personal Pension should always be capitalised. If you’re going to refer to it more than once on a single page or screen, write it out in full followed by (SIPP) in brackets.

Once you’ve introduced the acronym in brackets, you can then use SIPP moving forward.

Note that SIPP is pronounced ‘sip’ rather than ‘S.I.P.P’ so we would put an ‘a’ before SIPP rather than an ‘an’.


Try to avoid using semicolons. Use commas or en-dashes instead – or simply split long sentences into separate shorter sentences.

sentence case

Use sentence case for all headings, subheadings, labels and buttons.

With sentence case, you should only capitalise:

  • The first word of the title, label or CTA
  • Proper nouns and product names

single-tier pension

This should be lower case. So you could write about the ‘single-tier State Pension’ or ‘single-tier pension’.


Try to avoid using this overused term. Be more specific and explain what the ‘solution’ is.


Don’t over-apologise and constantly say sorry in every error message – unless the error is clearly our fault.

Stakeholder Pension Plan

Always capitalised. Unlike other products, the Stakeholder Pension Plan isn’t abbreviated to SPP.

Standard Life

In most cases, we should use the first person – ‘we’ – to refer to ourselves. But if we ever talk about Standard Life in the third person as a corporate entity, we should refer to it in the singular:

  • Standard Life is
  • Standard Life has
  • Standard Life was

standing order

Unlike a Direct Debit, a standing order shouldn’t be capitalised.

startup and start up

A startup (noun) would start up (verb).

State Pension

Upper case.

stocks and shares

No need to capitalise and never stocks & shares with an ampersand.


One word, lower case and no hyphen.