managed funds

Lower case, unless part of a specific product name.


Not MasterCard.


Use ‘million’ to write out numbers more than 999,999 (for example 1 million rather than 1,000,000). Don’t abbreviate million to m.


This government-backed organisation has a capital ‘M’ and ‘H’.


Say money instead.


Not ‘My Folio’ or ‘Myfolio’.


National Insurance number

National Insurance should be upper case, but number is lower case.


Traditionally, the numbers one to nine were written out in full and 10 and above were written as digits.

But to make things easier for our users, as well as our designers and developers, we now write all numbers (including 1 to 9) as numerals.

We should also:

  • Add a comma to numbers with more than three digits (1,000, 10,000 and 100,000)
  • Avoid showing ‘00’ after a decimal point if it’s a round number (50% rather than 50.00%)
  • Use ‘to’ for number ranges rather than a hyphen or dash (‘50 to 90’ not ‘50-90’)


occupational pension

Lower case.

offshore bonds

Unless there’s a product called Offshore Bond, there’s no need to capitalise this when we’re talking generally about offshore bonds.


Not okay.


Not on-going.

onshore bond

Unless we have a product called Onshore Bond, there’s no need to capitalise this when we’re talking generally about onshore bonds.

opening hours

Where possible, opening hours should be displayed next to phone numbers to let users know if and when they can phone us.

If the space allows, opening hours should be displayed like this: ‘We’re open Monday to Friday, 9am to 5pm, and Saturday, 10am to 6pm.’

opt out

Not opt-out.

Oxford comma

Only use an Oxford comma if it’s needed to avoid confusion.