Labels on forms should always be written in sentence case.
life assurance
Lower case – no need to capitalise.
lifestyle profile
Lower case – no need to capitalise.
lifetime allowance
Lower case – no need to capitalise.
link text
When we’re linking off to a page or document, we should use clear, descriptive language and provide more information on where the link will take the user.
For example, if we’re linking to a savings and investment guide, we may say something like ‘Find out more in our savings and investments guide.’
login and log in
A user would go to the login screen (noun) to log in (verb) to their online account.
So when we’re asking a user to ‘log in’ to something, it should always be two words.
long-term or long term
We would talk about a long-term investment (hyphenated) but investing for the long term (no hyphen).