Checkboxes are input that allow users to select multiple options from a group of related items.
Key Points
- Use checkboxes to allow users to select multiple options from a list or toggle a single option on or off
- Use this input type along with other form guidelines
- Use radio buttons if you want to limit users to select only one option from a list
- Checkboxes are contained in a fieldset with a legend as a title
- Each fieldset should have at least two or more checkboxes for the user to select
- Order checkboxes alphabetically
- Use helper text to support user's choices
- Use aria-describedby to provide descriptive labels (e.g. helper text)
<fieldset aria-describedby="helper-text">
<legend>Will you be travelling to any of these countries</legend>
<!-- Helper text -->
<p id="helper-text">Select all countries that apply</p>
<input id="country-france" name="country-france" type="checkbox" value="France">
<label for="country-france">France</label>
Pre-selecting the Checkbox
Avoid pre-selecting the checkbox. Users might submit the wrong answer or not realise they’ve missed a question.
Size and Contact Area
Establish interaction by selecting the checkbox, label or the surrounding contact area.
Replace the value of aria-describedby from the fieldset to match the id of the error element. This will help screen readers understand what is happening on the form when an error occurs.
<fieldset aria-describedby="error-msg">
<legend>Will you be travelling to any of these countries</legend>
<!-- Helper text -->
<p id="helper-text">Select all countries that apply</p>
<!-- Error message -->
<p id="error-msg">Select a country</p>
<input id="country-france" name="country-france" type="checkbox" value="France">
<label for="country-france">France</label>
Checkboxes should:
- Get a focus interaction and navigatable using the 'tab' ⇥ key
- Be selected by using the 'space' ␣ key