
Forms are critical in our design system to allow users to input data, from calculators to our contact forms. Each from element in our component library is individually documented, however, this page provides the overarching guidelines when working with forms.


Checkboxes are input that allow users to select multiple options from a group of related items.

Key Points

  • Use checkboxes to allow users to select multiple options from a list or toggle a single option on or off
  • Use this input type along with other form guidelines
  • Use radio buttons if you want to limit users to select only one option from a list


  • Checkboxes are contained in a fieldset with a legend as a title
  • Each fieldset should have at least two or more checkboxes for the user to select
  • Order checkboxes alphabetically
  • Use helper text to support user's choices
  • Use aria-describedby to provide descriptive labels (e.g. helper text)
Checkbox orientation (vertically stacked)

Checkbox orientation (vertically stacked)

                                                            <fieldset aria-describedby="helper-text">
                                                          <legend>Will you be travelling to any of these countries</legend>
                                                          <!-- Helper text -->
                                                          <p id="helper-text">Select all countries that apply</p>
                                                            <input id="country-france" name="country-france" type="checkbox" value="France">
                                                            <label for="country-france">France</label>

A code example of a checkbox group.


Pre-selecting the Checkbox

Avoid pre-selecting the checkbox. Users might submit the wrong answer or not realise they’ve missed a question.

Size and Contact Area

Establish interaction by selecting the checkbox, label or the surrounding contact area.

Checkbox's size & interactive area

Checkbox's size & interactive area


Checkbox's validation

Checkbox's validation

Replace the value of aria-describedby from the fieldset to match the id of the error element. This will help screen readers understand what is happening on the form when an error occurs.

                                                            <fieldset aria-describedby="error-msg">
                                                          <legend>Will you be travelling to any of these countries</legend>
                                                          <!-- Helper text -->  
                                                          <p id="helper-text">Select all countries that apply</p>
                                                          <!-- Error message -->
                                                          <p id="error-msg">Select a country</p>
                                                            <input id="country-france" name="country-france" type="checkbox" value="France">
                                                            <label for="country-france">France</label>

A code example of checkbox validation when an error occurs.


Checkboxes should:

  • Get a focus interaction and navigatable using the 'tab' ⇥ key
  • Be selected by using the 'space' ␣ key