Review panel

At the end of a journey a user is presented with the opportunity to rate their experience

At the end of a journey, the user has the ability to leave feedback. In-app, there is a panel sticky to the bottom.

If the page has long scrolling content, the content is behind the panel and a white gradient shown to indicate there is more content to scroll down to.


Review pannel show, sticky to the bottom of the screen

Review pannel show, sticky to the bottom of the screen

User interaction

When the user interacts with a star rating the panel slides up, retaining the selection they have made. The background with the content is darkened to give more significance to the review panel.

User has interacted with the review panel,  causing it to slide up and show more content.

User has interacted with the review panel, causing it to slide up and show more content.

Label title

Depending on what rating the user picks, this will dynamically change the message label.

1 -2 stars
label: We’re sorry about that, how can we improve?

3 stars
label: How can we improve?

4-5 stars
label: Great! What did you enjoy?


Error handling

The message box is not a mandtaory field. If the user tries to submit feedback without a star rating, an error message is flagged to show a star rating needs to be selected.

Exampe showing error messaging

Exampe showing error messaging

Success messaging

The success messaging will depend on what star rating a user has left.

If the user has left a rating of 3 stars and above, the following panel is shown asking if they'd like to leave a review on their respective app store:

Additional panel asking the user if they would like to leave a rating on their respective app store.

Additional panel asking the user if they would like to leave a rating on their respective app store.

Irrespective of what rating is left, the user will see the final confirmation message (this is shown after the option to leave a rating on the app store if the review is 3+ stars.)

Confirmation message that feedback has been sent.

Confirmation message that feedback has been sent.